Matthew (26) Reflection 2

We have recently selected our topic and thats on natural disasters and we have specifically zoned in on tsunamis. The 2004 tsunami had a great impact on our lives and so we have decided to use it as our main topic. i have researched and thus found out that a tsunami is caused by an earthquake, landslide or volcanic eruption and that it travels at a very fast pace further out at sea but soon grows in height and size as it approaches the shore. I also found out that the first tsunami wave may not be the largest as there might be continual waves every 10-60 minutes. I now know that Singapore is safe as it is sheltered from the tsunami by other land masses surrounding it like Malaysia and Indonesia. And that a tsunami that resulted from a 9.0 magnitude earthquake would take 10 hours to reach the shores of Singapore. which makes it incredibly safe from tsunamis.

However i would still want to research on what a tsunami resulting from a undersea earthquake would affect Singapore and what can nations in a tsunami prone area can do to prevent such disasters from happening.

With the macbook, I can make use of the largest encyclopedia, the internet to help me to find out more on such topics and I would want to spread awareness by telling others about this interesting and engaging topic.



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Niger Cheong (28) -- Questioner


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