Nicholas Wan (27) Reflection 11

1) One difficulty I had and what I did about it:

Problem - It was very hard to get people to do the surveys as not many people were interested.
Solution - I asked some classmates and relatives to help to do the survey.

2) Two things I found interesting:

A) I found creating the survey very interesting. It helped me learn more about the topic and understand how to use google surveys.
B) I found reading other people's responses on the survey very interesting.

3) Three things I have learnt :
A) I have learnt to create a google document survey.
B) I have learnt how to formulate survey questions based on the topic -TSUNAMIS.
C) I have learnt more about Tsunamis and how to get people to do your survey.



Nicholas Wan (27) Reflection 10

1)What I know after the survey

After the survey, I have learned what other people thought about their topic, I have also slightly learned more about what measures can be taken to reduce the damage of Tsunamis.

2)What I think about the findings of the survey

I think the very little people are serious about the survey as most people gave irrelevant responses.

3)What I learnt from the survey

I learnt many things especially how to create a survey and more about the topic.

4)What I intend to do with the survey results

I intend to post the survey findings on the blog then to organize the survey results in a graph so that we can easily extract data



Nicholas Wan (27) Reflection 9

==>Experience when conducting the survey

Throughout the whole process of conducting the survey , our group has learned and gained much valuable information that will help us throughout our lives.

Throughout the survey , I learnt :

(1) How to prepare a survey Questionnaire

(2) How to create a survey using google Documents

(3) How to edit a survey

(4) How to create various kinds of questions using google Documents
-(e.g MCQ , Tick the Boxes , Open Ended , ETC.)

(5) How to work together as a team, to brainstorm and form questions related to the topic.

(6) How to formulate a final survey form so that people can do our survey online.



Matthew Ng (26) Reflection 6

What i know about surveys

Surveys are a selected set of questions that are formulated to find out more about the topic and to find opinions about other peoples views
Surveys are a constructive way to find out about different peoples possible lifestyles
Surveys involve many people in order to publish statistics

Ideas, what i think about surveys

Surveys are questions which people can freely choose what option best suits/describes them
Surveys should have a variety of questions ranging from open ended questions to close ended questions.

What i learnt about surveys

I have learnt how to formulate relevant questions that would help us to achieve the correct data that we need
I also have learnt that in order for a survey to be successful, the survey needs to be promoted heavily so that we can collect the numbers to from data

Action plan: What should we do after the survey

We should collect and analyse the data
We should see the statistics of the survey
We should use the data and see what could we improve on our project


Nicholas Wan (27) Reflection 8

This week we managed to do a few more things.

(1) Further improve on the survey
(2) Receive more responses on the survey
(3) Traded surveys with other IPW groups

However , based on the current responses on the survey , I still feel that some questions of the survey should be editted .

Although the final product is no where near complete , we are still coming up with more ideas for the game. We hope to produce a game and a video demonstration of the game that our classmates and friends find interesting.



Nicholas Wan (27) Reflection 7

This week we :

(1) Made some progress in the survey.
(2) Created the online survey using google documents.
(3) Received some feedback from our IPW teacher and classmates.
(4) Made some changes to the questions in the survey.
(5) Posted and tried to spread the survey

We need to :
Get more people to respond to our survey.

Dear members , please help spread the survey by :

Facebook / Internet / Email or other means and
Get your Relatives / Friends to help on the survey.

This is urgent as we need 40 responses ASAP.


~ About our Blog ~

Welcome to our Blog!

This is 2h Index 25-28 Blog.

Please do not write any vulgarities on any post or comment that is an insult to anybody.

Please help us do our Survey on Natural Disasters

Group Members ;

Hsuan Ting (25) -- Encourager



Matthew Ng (26) -- Vice-Leader



Nicholas Wan (27) -- Leader



Niger Cheong (28) -- Questioner



~Tasks and Work~

This Week's work allocation :

This Week's work allocation :

Dear members please download :

Dear members, please download :

Group 25-28 Project Planner

Research Document On Tsunamis

Grace Lesson 1 Worksheet- Group Formation

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