Nicholas Wan (27) Reflection 9

==>Experience when conducting the survey

Throughout the whole process of conducting the survey , our group has learned and gained much valuable information that will help us throughout our lives.

Throughout the survey , I learnt :

(1) How to prepare a survey Questionnaire

(2) How to create a survey using google Documents

(3) How to edit a survey

(4) How to create various kinds of questions using google Documents
-(e.g MCQ , Tick the Boxes , Open Ended , ETC.)

(5) How to work together as a team, to brainstorm and form questions related to the topic.

(6) How to formulate a final survey form so that people can do our survey online.



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This is 2h Index 25-28 Blog.

Please do not write any vulgarities on any post or comment that is an insult to anybody.

Please help us do our Survey on Natural Disasters

Group Members ;

Hsuan Ting (25) -- Encourager


Matthew Ng (26) -- Vice-Leader


Nicholas Wan (27) -- Leader


Niger Cheong (28) -- Questioner


~Tasks and Work~

This Week's work allocation :

This Week's work allocation :

Dear members please download :

Dear members, please download :

Group 25-28 Project Planner

Research Document On Tsunamis

Grace Lesson 1 Worksheet- Group Formation

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