Nicholas Wan (27) Reflection 8

This week we managed to do a few more things.

(1) Further improve on the survey
(2) Receive more responses on the survey
(3) Traded surveys with other IPW groups

However , based on the current responses on the survey , I still feel that some questions of the survey should be editted .

Although the final product is no where near complete , we are still coming up with more ideas for the game. We hope to produce a game and a video demonstration of the game that our classmates and friends find interesting.



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~ About our Blog ~

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This is 2h Index 25-28 Blog.

Please do not write any vulgarities on any post or comment that is an insult to anybody.

Please help us do our Survey on Natural Disasters

Group Members ;

Hsuan Ting (25) -- Encourager


Matthew Ng (26) -- Vice-Leader


Nicholas Wan (27) -- Leader


Niger Cheong (28) -- Questioner


~Tasks and Work~

This Week's work allocation :

This Week's work allocation :

Dear members please download :

Dear members, please download :

Group 25-28 Project Planner

Research Document On Tsunamis

Grace Lesson 1 Worksheet- Group Formation

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